Curio Lists
A "curio" is a rare, unusual, or intriguing object. I suppose most people might assume it's better to provide lists of rare things if I am going to call them "Curio Lists", but I'd rather list interesting things. And, honestly, I thought Curio Lists sounded way cooler as a Website title than Interesting Lists.
But lists by themselves are rather boring, aren't they? If you're just going to list stuff why even bother? I suppose there are times when that is okay. But I need something more than a list of things to keep my interest.
Actually, I don't promise to write articles about lists of things. I think that's a stupid promise. I'm not a good list maker or writer. But I like the name Curio Lists and I am going to keep it. Sorry about that. You'll have to deal with it.
Life is full of interesting things and sometimes I just want to share my thoughts on what interests me. I don't claim to be an authority or an expert on anything. I am just a person with an opinion. I like to think it's a very good opinion but you may not agree.
So that is what you can expect from me when you read my Website: opinions. And maybe some lists but I make no promises. Promises are hard to keep especially if you have no intention of keeping them. I don't want to keep a promise I don't feel strongly about.